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Dragon Age 4 News Update: Voice Work, Potential Release Date & Mark Darrah Tease!

Today we're looking at an aged IGN Greece article that has just recently popped up again translated into English, the feature delves into the development of Dragon Age 4 and a potential release date!

All credit for the translation of this article goes to the Twitter user "Nosa-kun", so thank you ever so much for this!

Jumping straight into this, the articles as followed states:

"We've known for a while now that the next Dragon Age is in the works, now however, we are finding out that it's been in development for some time and it has a possible release date.

An anonymous source that has been working on one of BioWare's titles, has revealed by mistake to IGN Greece that voiceover work has begun for one of the company's upcoming games. The source talked about their work without mentioning the name of the game, confirming however that it isn't Anthem, but an older series - not Mass Effect - and it's taking place in an 'older' (timewise) setting. This title according to them will come out in two years.

Knowing that we are expecting a new Dragon Age game, one of the older and more well known BioWare franchises, that take place in a 'medieval' fantasy world, we can conclude that they were referring to a game in this series."

The article ends on the notion that Casey Hudson has spoken on the future of the Dragon Age series, with live service attachments, which means there presumably will be more story content after launch.

We should take in note, this article came out late-last year, it's just recently cropped back up again.

The main takeaway from this source, is Dragon Age 4's current phase of development, apparently voicework is currently undergoing, and the game is set to ship in 2020.

Firstly, 2020 sounds a bit too early, lets be fair, we had an article from Casey Hudson last year commenting on the development of Dragon Age 4, saying it's at least three years away, so add an extra year on the end there, and I'd say that's more likely.

Now for the voice work, I mean, the game is in full-swing development, that seems most likely, the question I'm most concerned about is, was this voice work for a potential new trailer? Or was it strictly for the next game?

Speaking of which, Mark Darrah, the executive producer for Dragon Age 4 had a small tease on Twitter regarding a potential trailer.

Mark tweeted a static gif, as if buffering a trailer, it caused quote the concern, then he retweeted Caitie's tweet and replied with:

Hey how ‘bout dem Dragon Ages?

Yes Mark, how about dem Dragon Ages? Care to indulge us, perhaps this E3/EA Play? Also, the plural at the end of Dragon Ages, kinda, sorta makes me think that more games are being worked on, we know they have a five game plan, lets hope they keep to that. Or perhaps he could even be referring to that potential tactics game which we still haven't heard anything about!

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